Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Chelsea the FREE Dog

We are animal lovers! At our home right now there are 5 dogs, 3 potbellied pigs a rooster and a hen. Just a week ago there were only 4 dogs. This is where Chelsea comes in. Three years ago a friend of my dad's named Earl came to my parent's home while I was there. Everyone knows I am a sucker the second I hear that an animal is in need of a home. We have plenty of space so I just kind of figure why not. Earl started telling me this story about Chelsea and Glory. Glory is Chelsea's owner and has had her for 7 years, Chelsea was 8 at the time. Chelsea is a miniature schnauzer. The story in short was that Glory was moving from Utah to Washington for health reasons and she was not able to take Chelsea with her. She had been looking for a good home for Chelsea for a while with no luck and Glory was leaving the following day. After Earl told me this story I went right over to Glory's house to see if we would be the fit for Chelsea.

When you think schnauzer you think cute little groomed dog. Not Chelsea! Glory was older and was not able to take care of Chelsea properly. However she loved her like a child. I met Glory and through her tears she shared how heartbroke she was and how she desperately needed a home for Chelsea. I assured Glory that we would provide Chelsea with a loving home and made a promise to stay in touch with her. I found out that Glory was Chelsea's second owner, her son had her before. Glory took me to see Chelsea. On the grass under a tree there was a ball of grey fur. Her hair was so long you could not see her eyes. Glory hugged her and cried then gave her to me with along with her bed, food and toys. Then off we went 3rd home for Chelsea.

The first thing we did was make her an appointment with our Vet. then an appointment with the groomer. Chelsea did not smell good at all. We just figured it was because she needed groomed. After the Vet. looked her over he had a list of ailments that Chelsea had. First and most important she need surgery in her mouth. Remember the smell I mentioned. Well her mouth was full of infection and she needed it taken care of immediately. I promised we would take care of Chelsea so I booked the surgery on the spot. $600 later she had a clean bill of health. Oh did I mention she was free? We then go get her groomed and it was like we had a brand new dog! For about a year and a half Chelsea did really well. We love her to pieces and she even talks. Yes, I said she talks! She barks I Love You for a treat. It is very cute and you can't help but just love her for it. Then it all started Chelsea began bolting out the door and getting in the cows. She would come back matted in manure and sick from, well eating it. GROSS! Not good for her mouth at all. We tried as much as possible to stop her from doing this but any time the door opened she was off like lightning. She also started chasing the ducks and the other dogs followed. Needless to say we no longer have ducks! We cannot forget that when she is left in the house alone she scratches the leather couches.

We knew we were going to have to find Chelsea a new home. My husband's Aunt Sylvia came over one day and fell in love with Chelsea. PERFECT! They could spend all day together and no other animals lives would be at stake. The situation could not have been better. The past year Chelsea and Sylvia have been the best of friends. It seems that home #4 is the perfect place for Chelsea and everyone is happy. Well 2 weeks ago I get a phone call. Sylvia had a series of events happen and needed us to take Chelsea back for a while. So we went and picked her up and brought her home with us and my boy's are thrilled to have her back here. When I picked Chelsea up I had a feeling that it was going to be more permanent that a few weeks. I was right we are going to have to keep Chelsea. So far she has scratched the couches and ran off down to the hay field and could not get back. My son went and picked her up on the motorcycle and she loved the ride. Figures! It seems that fate is telling us not matter how rotten Chelsea may be home #3 and#5 are where she belongs. We will just keep her here and love her for her stinky mouth, running off, scratching our couches but most of all because she can talk! The fact that she says I Love You probably helps a little. I guess she has earned the right to do anything she wants to at this point. Anytime someone gives you a FREE dog always try to remember there is really no such thing!

Monday, April 13, 2009

To Diet or Not to Diet?

If I were to add up all of the days I have spent on a diet I probably would have been on a diet for at least 22 years of my life so far....I am only 36! You name it I have tried it. There is not plan, pill or cleanse that has not crossed my path. It is very funny if you think about it. The amount of money we spend trying to find that miracle cure is insane! There have been 2 times that I have actually lost weight and felt really good and healthy. Both times I swore I would never gain it back and I would always stick to my new routine. Right! I have decided numerous times to just accept the fact that I am pleasantly plump and I will always be. Then you see shows like The Biggest Loser and other weight loss journey's that people venture on with much success. It makes you realize that if the effort is put forth anyone can lose the weight. So what the hay is my problem?! The time and energy spent on a daily basis worrying about my appearance and weight is close to at least 1/2 of my day. The times I have decided to just accept it are when I usually get far to comfortable and gain 10+ pounds really quickly.
I am not sure why I am posting this tonight I suppose I just needed to vent for a minute. My friend and I have started a diet and exercise plan our 2nd workout was tonight. We both survived! So keep us in your thoughts we will need all of the positive energy we can get.....trust me on this one. May my next post on weight loss be me telling you that I lost some of it!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Ok....I am an official SLACKER!

So here it is 5 months later.....I can't believe I have not put a post on here since November! Well I guess doing everything you intend to all of the time just does not always work out as planned. To be honest I am not sure what my plan was/is. I have wondered often how many people read these anyway. Then I second guess that thought with...I read blog posts all of the time! I love to read other peoples ideas and thoughts. The wit, advice and sharing that goes on in this blog world is amazing. So with that being said I will continue my little blog journey and pick up where I left off....seriously November! My oh my I have alot of catching up to do!